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Living Heritage: Managing Sites with Heritage


“Rehabilitation of Al Sakakini’s Palace”






Many residential houses and palaces with heritage significance are found

throughout Egypt, particularly those inherited from the 19th century

and attributed to the Khedivial era. These buildings have outstanding

architectural and traditional characters that contribute in enhancing

their uniqueness as well as their aesthe-

tic value. Nevertheless, they are conside-

red evidences on the ultimate excel their

architects reached in the execution of an

architectural design that compiles many

features from diverse models in Europe,

and how these architects tried to imple-

ment such designs taking into considera-

tion the domestic characteristics of the

architectural urban in Egypt, what made

the Khedivial architecture homogenously

fit within the Egyptian urban fabric at that

time. Nowadays, after the owners of

these mansions have abandoned them

by the mid of the 50s in the last century,

these buildings started to lose their fun-

ctionality by time and so as they have

begun to lose their architectural features

as well, and thus they were left to dust,

theft, and deterioration, as well as, the inappropriate and short-termma-

nagement plans that has been applied in most of cases as an attempt to

rescue such buildings after they were registered as a monument and

their ownership has been transformed into a governmental property.

In order to emphasize the vitality of Heritage in our contemporane-

ous lifestyle, there is an urgent need to preserve the “functionality” of

this Heritage using the suitable means that does not affect its authen-

ticity but guarantee the continuity of its physical and intangible valu–

es. In the case of the abandoned palaces with architectural heritage

character, the conservation and managing operations of such sites

should include not only a preservation and safeguarding plans that

seek maintenance of the palace aesthetic and architecture values, but

also it should consider the functional continuity of these buildings and

integrate it within the current social and economical context of the lo-

cal community, thus Heritage sites becomes a resource not a burden.

Cairo / Sakakini Palace